Zavod Prijetno Domače," a public institution for the development of tourism and culture in the municipality of Ivančna Gorica, invited us to create a website for the local tourist information center "Hiša kranjske čebele.
Target audience: general public
The purpose of creating the website is to inform the general public about news, events, and the new facility that combines all the information about the tourist destination of Višnja Gora and the renovated "Hiša kranjske čebele."
We wanted the website to reflect the graphic design of "Hiša kranjske čebele," which was created by the Nea Culpa agency, and to bring the user closer to the content of "Hiša kranjske čebele," which is the development of beekeeping in Slovenia.
The "Hiša kranjske čebele" information center is designed to be modern and, at the same time, very welcoming. Inside the building, you can find a beekeeping museum, a beehive-shaped hotel, an entrepreneurial incubator, and more...
We wanted to capture all of this both in the feel and the content of the website.
We invite you to visit the website and also the tourist destination itself.
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