The company Danfoss Trata wanted to create a comprehensive project to mark the 25th anniversary of the company's existence, and thereby show its achievements and its vision, which we would like to realize with this project. Guidelines and wishes were collected (photo exhibition, gala event and the entire graphic image of the casual brand), which had to be thought out together and formed into an integrated story.

Storyline - a story with an idea concept
Planning and getting to know the substantive concept of the anniversary was divided into individual phases of the project, which contained their own part of planning and integration into the overall conceptual concept.
Each individual part built the whole story, which is covered in a casual sign. The sign covers the entire anniversary message and was successfully implemented on all visual elements.
The umbrella visual element is a casual logo that follows the overall graphic image of the company with a touch of festivity and personality.

A complete graphic image with a hint of engineering
The design followed the overall graphic image of the company, but with a touch of sophistication, as messages are added that can only be seen with the help of decoder glasses. The overlay patent of these messages was specially designed for this purpose.

Printed materials - brochures, invitations, theater leaflets...
A printed presentation of the company, which has just completed the communication of the anniversary. The conceptual concept of the technique of using decoder glasses continues here as well, as messages and statements from employees are hidden among the content. Content communication also includes a series of infographics and pictograms that only enhance the image.
To support the anniversary, printed materials were created that followed the overall graphic image of the event. The concept was prepared, we planned, designed and executed the final production for invitations, theater tickets, photo exhibition, templates and banners.

The conclusion, and thus the climax of the client's anniversary project, was represented by a corporate event, where all key members of the Danfoss company from Denmark were also present.
With a creative story, we summarized the client's history, vision and goals, and with various technologies we made an impression and created a unique experience that raised the competence of the client Danfoss Trata at the parent company.
Multimedia content
During the entire project, we implemented a range of multimedia content, the most important of which were created for the final event: 3D wall mapping, 3D and 2D animations.
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