about us
we are your pro team that can turn any crazy vision into reality

Numo is a team - your team

Numo is a multidisciplinary team of designers, engineers, developers, analysts and strategists using their creativity and professionalism to create the best user communication in the digital world. Inspired by beauty and new technologies, we strive towards perfect and exceptional solutions that deliver the best results for your visions.

Denis Loncar CEO Senior digital experience designer read more
Katja Lipicnik Senior partner Creative director, client brand manager read more
Katja Malavasic Senior client lead Marketing strategist read more
Katja Kusar Loncar Client lead HR specialist read more
Adis Senior front-end developer Wordpress specialist read more
Damjan Senior Developer IT architect read more
Matic Developer Back-end specialist read more
Want to be part of the team?
We have some open positions. Get in touch!
Numo in numbers

Our partners


Netko 6x
Websi 2x
Awwwards 2x
HighTexh XL Innovation Award 1x
Central European Startup Award 1x
Seal of Excellence 1x
Boniteta odličnosti 1x

Let's get to know each other!

We bring together knowledge and experience, design and technology, business models and users. Send us a message and let’s connect.

Contact us

Numo d.o.o.

Nade Ovcakove ulica 1A
1000 Ljubljana

Get directions

T +386 820 28 941
E info@numo.si
E hr@numo.si


We are part of the national research network and full member of Technology park of Ljubljana, Slovenia and American Chamber of Commerce Slovenia.